Press Releases |
Justice Signs Off on House Redistricting Plan
(06-20-11) |
Preclearance letter from U.S. Department of Justice on redistricting submission
(06-20-11) |
LA House Submits
Redistricting Plan
(04-21-11) |
Statewide Meetings Announced
(02-02-11) |
Statewide Redistricting Meetings Scheduled
(12-03-10) |
Redistricting training a success
(10-02-09) |
Louisiana Media Articles |
2011 |
Legislative Maps
Face Fights -
The Advocate |
Redistricting Forum
Draws Several Reviews - The Daily
Advertiser |
Gallot: GOP Ties Raise Red Flags -
The Advocate |
Caucus seeking more
black seats in legislature- The News Star |
New House districts head to Jindal -
Times Picayune |
House panel's chief
plans remap of LA.'s high court districts-
Times Picayune |
House OKs redistricting plan |
Redistricting a heavy
plate- The News Star |
La. House, Senate to weigh new districts |
Public meeting on
redistricting set for Tuesday- KPLC |
Panel rejects Guillory's Senate
redistricting plan |
Redistricting not
going to be smooth sailing
- The Town Talk |
Redistricting plans clear committees |
Jeff Davis Police Jury
wants SW La. united in US House district
- American Press (Lake Charles) |
La. House, Senate advance each other's
redistricting plans |
Keep voicing opinion
on La. redistricting
- American Press (Lake Charles) |
French highlights lawmaker's point |
Loss of congressman
- American Press (Lake Charles) |
Local House
districts didn't merit changes |
Major shifts ahead in
Senate districts
- Times Picayune |
House approves
plan to redraw election districts |
Lawmakers disagree
over La. court redistricting
- The Town Talk (Alexandria)
House Senate
approve their redistricting plan |
Jefferson on the move
- Times Picayune |
House, Senate remap plans shuffle
districts: Acadiana lawmakers split over
shifts - - The Daily Advertiser |
Officials discuss
- The Advocate |
Remap bill goes to House floor - The
Daily Advertiser |
SW La. voices heard
- American Press |
District receives protection: House
lawmakers agree to keep Armes' area
intact - American Press |
Feedback from voters
sought on election districts
- Times Picayune |
House OKs remap plan with Cenla
compromise - The Town Talk |
Creating district
lines won't be easy
- The Town Talk (Alexandria-Pineville)
Realignment of House districts in
Rapides approved - The Town Talk |
Redistricting tough
nut to crack
- News Star Monroe |
Amendments alter districts in Shreveport
and Rapides - The Times Shreveport |
EBR area pushes for
more representation
- The Advocate |
eliminates northern Monroe district -
News Star |
Orleans losing
political clout
- The Advocate |
Remapping is not only about race - The
Town Talk |
Meetings slated on
election districts
- The Advocate |
Remap plan puts
Dixon, Roy in the same House district -
The Town Talk |
Board wants to be
single district with SW La. parishes
- American Press |
Panel approves
remap plan pitting Roy against Armes -
The Town Talk |
Voters invited to
weight in: Legislators in town to talk
- American Press |
House alters
northern districts: Chamber votes to
return 29 minority areas - The Daily
Advertiser |
Express opinions on
- American Press |
Lawmakers line
dancing for districts: Amendments alter
Rapides, Shreveport House seats - News
Star |
Acadiana gains state
representation with population increase
- The Daily Advertiser |
Changes brewing in
House redistricting plan: Committee
review meeting canceled - News Star |
How we have changed
- The Times (Shreveport) |
pulls Tucker out of vote
- The Advocate |
Stand up, be counted in redistricting
- Daily World |
plan adds fourth minority district
- The Daily Advertiser |
Bernard vs. New Orleans
- Times Picayune |
brewing in House plan
- The Daily Advertiser |
More Black Districts
Likely - The Advocate |
aides weigh in on remap, draw ire
- The Advocate |
Redistricting hearings
evoke calls for compact political districts
Times Picayune |
drops proposed 30th minority district
from remap
- The Advocate |
Redistricting will
involve multiple agencies
- St. Tammany News |
House vote kills
new minority district: Changed backed by
governor's office
- Times Picayune- The Advocate |
Making it count:-
Times Picayune |
Members advance
new House lines
- Times Picayune |
The Census reveals
another post-Katrina Loss
- Times Picayune |
House completes
work on redrawing its districts: 2
districts pit N.O. incumbents
- The Times Picayune |
Census estimates gain
in minorities- Times
Picayune |
House takes up
plan for remap of its districts
- The Times Picayune |
Census data chart
area's ups, downs: New Orleans, St.
Bernard- Times
Picayune |
Cenla lawmakers
watching, waiting as redistricting keeps
The Town Talk (Alexandria) |
North shore to gain
clout in House- Times
Picayune |
Work stalls on
House redistricting
The News Star
(Monroe) |
Redistricting will involve multiple agencies
- St Tammany News |
Panel to consider
House redistricting
The Town Talk |
May Give BR Votes -
Advocate |
Kostelka, Gallot
to chair redraw
News Star
La. House ponders
new Shreveport district
The Times (Shreveport) |
Stands to lose 3 seats in House
Picayune |
Shaping districts
sets off tempers: Talks are tinged with
race, politics
- Times
Picayune |
Central Louisiana
sounds off about how to redraw political
districts- The Town Talk (Alexandria,
Pineville) |
Remap vote set
this week
- The Advocate |
Public redistricting
meeting underway in Shreveport- KSLA News |
House plan adds
forth minority district in Shreveport
American Press |
Louisiana to lose
congressional seat in redistricting- The
Daily Reveille |
House plan adds
forth minority district in Shreveport
- The Times
(Shreveport) |
Redistricting Meeting- KLFY |
Work stalls on
House redistricting plan
- The Times
(Shreveport) |
Panel Adopts Guides
- The
Advocate |
and race -
Advocate |
Gallot: Lawmakers
Eager to Redistrict
- The
Advocate |
House committee
supports redistricting plan for BESE,
- The
Advocate |
Census Shows Gains for
- The
Advocate |
Number of House
minority seats could lead to showdown
Advocate |
66 House Districts
Must be Remapped
- The
Advocate |
Plan shifts House
districts, forces competition
- The Town
Talk |
Challenging decade
Weighs on Jefferson
- Times
Picayune |
Changes brewing in
remap proposal
- The Town
Talk |
Tammany Swells, but
Not Because of Katrina
- Times
Picayune |
Senate and House
redraw plans shuffle La. districts
- The Times
(Shreveport) |
Controlled Growth
Pleases Rive Parishes
- Times
Picayune |
House remap plan
gains panel approval
- The Times
(Shreveport) |
Census Shows Shift:
EBR Largest Parish in LA., N.O. shrinks
- The
Advocate |
Panel weighs House
districts: Jindal urges committee to
remain non-partisan in redrawing lines
- The Daily
Advertiser |
Rapides Senate district could get carved
up in remap session
- The Town Talk |
Armes to fight to
end: Lawmaker doesn't support
Leesville-Alexandria merger
- The Daily
Advertiser |
Gallot Slams Plan to
Divide Senate Seat - The Town
Talk |
Armes to fight to
end: Lawmaker doesn't support
Leesville-Alexandria merger
- American
Press |
State's Cities Didn't
Fare well in 2010 Census -
American Press |
Draft draws
concern: SW La. legislators: Proposal
puts Armes against another incumbent
- American
Press |
Gallot: Lawmakers Want
Process to Be Open -
American Press |
Remap battle
begins: Jindal urges bipartisanship at
start of special session
- American
Press |
Officials, residents weigh in on
- Daily Comet |
Lawmakers at odds
over SW La. redistricting plan
- American
Press |
Voice your opinion on
La. redistricting - Houma Today |
Future of area House districts still
- American
Press |
New Orleans' official
2010 census population is 343,829, agency
reports - Times Picayune |
Legislators face tough session
- American
Press |
Jefferson Parish
population decline in 2010 Census no
surprise to parish officials
-Times Picayune |
House plan gives
BR seats: Tucker calls proposal
"starting point"
Advocate |
Draft draws
concern: SW La. legislators: Proposal
puts Armes against another incumbent
- American Press |
Shore to Gain Clout in House - Times
Picayune |
Remap session
begins: Lawmakers tout spirit of fair
Advocate |
Census Reveals another Post Katrina Loss -
Times Picayune |
Panel adds minority district: Comittee
bucks House speaker
- Times Picayune |
Public Hearings on Redistricting Scheduled
- KATC Acadiana's News Channel |
Panel approves
addition to bill: 30th black majority
district added
Advocate |
Census numbers put
population shift on
- The Towntalk |
Caucus seeking
more black seats in La
- The
Times (Shreveport) |
Political Survival Top Priority - American
Press |
Remap could change
how race influences politics in LA-
Times Picayune |
Redistricting is expected to cost New
Orleans three districts - Times Picayune |
Battle over remap
Times Picayune |
Panel Adopts Guides
- The Advocate |
Wants, needs clash in
Advocate |
brews over districts - The Advocate |
Battling over the
Advocate |
No Delay Planned in
State Remap - Times Picayune |
Lawmakers at odds over
SW La. redistricting plan
- American Press |
Bobby Jindal Expected Not to Take Lead Role
in Redistricting - Times Picayune |
Committee to consider
redist plan today
- The
Times (Shreveport) |
Public to get to speak on district lines -
The Advocate |
Remap sets up fights
to keep jobs
- Times Picayune |
Remap plan targets
N.O. - The Advocate. |
House redistricting
plan cuts 6 districts from N.O.
- The Town Talk (Alexandria) |
Census estimate shows
growth for area in 2009 - The Advocate |
Committee sees proposals for new districts
- The Town Talk (Alexandria) |
When it counts: Census
participation vital to federal funding for
La." - The Towntalk |
Redistricting session
shapes future elections
- The
Times (Shreveport) |
St Bernard Residents
Urged to Return - Times Picayune |
Plan shifts House
districts, forces officials to compete
- The
Times (Shreveport) |
Stand up and be
counted - Monroe News Star |
House panel to look at
redistricting plans
Advocate |
State may lose seat in
Congress - Times Picayune |
Panel reviews
proposals to remap districts
- The
Times (Shreveport) |
Census Bumps up N.O.'s
Figure Twice - Times Picayune |
Citizens voice what
they want out of redistricting
- The Town Talk (Alexandria Pineville) |
Redrawing districts is
state's purview, lawyer says - Times
Picayune |
Rerouting District
- The
Times (Shreveport) |
Central Louisiana population grows a bit
- The Town Talk (Alexandria) |
House panel's chief plans remap of La.'s
high court districts-
Times Picayune |
Caucus seeks minority representation- The
News Star (Monroe) |
Caucus pushing for
more majority-black political districts in
- The Town Talk |
Tangi officials split
over redistricting
Advocate |
Push mounted to add black legislative seats
- Times Picayune |
Residents sound off on
districts remap -
Advocate |
Acadiana gains state
representation with population increase
- The Daily Advertiser |
Northwest La.
residents take on redistricting
- The Times
(Shreveport) |
More Black Districts
- The
Advocate |
Residents: Keep
Regions Together - Times Picayune |
2010 |
Coastal district has advocates
Hearing to focus on
citizens - The Towntlak |
Legislature makes history with session |
Parish leader seeks
count of residents 'in transition' -
The Advocate |
Local census response
rate low, but Tammany's at national average
2010 Census could be
costly for Louisiana - The Advocate |
Special Count in Gulf
Backed - Monroe News Star |
Gallot Lawmakers want an open Redistricting
Process |
Attendance Sparce at
Census Meeting - American Press |
redistricting session of Louisiana
Legislature likely to begin in March |
Making Census Count -
American Press |
Saving our district - The Newstar |
Melancon urges redistricting reform - The
Advocate |
Redrawing districts is
state's purview, lawyer says - Times
Picayune |
Redistricting sparks
fights - The Advocate |
Hispanic arrivals help
LA. growth, census says - The Advocate |
Redistricting Revolutionary- The Advocate |
State's electoral map
to be redrawn - Monroe News Star |
Political Horizons for
Sept. 12, 2010 - The Advocate |
Census efforts in Orleans and St. Bernard
- The Advocate |
2009 |
Newcomers add to La.
residential population gain - The
Advocate |
LA. Likely to Lose a Congressional Seat
After 2010 Census - The Towntalk |
BR area could add new
House seat - The Advocate |
LA. may lose seat if
census counts illegal aliens in U.S. - The
Towntalk |
Redistricting tricky,
expert cautions - The Advocate |
proposes merging two U.S. House Districts -
American Press |
assistance sought - The Advocate |
Local voter rolls
swell - Times Picayune |
La. GOP to fight
counting of illegals - The Advocate |
to target Census tally of immigrants - Times
Picayune |
Noncitizen count hurts
Louisiana - The Advocate |
Citizenship question legitimate columnist -
American Press |
Sen. Vitter pushing
citizen count - The Advocate |
Area overlooked in
Census count - American Press |
Limit politics of new
lines - The Advocate |
Battle looms over 2010
Census - Lafayette Daily Advertiser |
'Redistricting 101'
teaches lawmakers about tough task ahead -
The Towntalk |
N.O Throws Gauntlet
Again on Census Estimate -
Picayune |
Local Officials See Population Growth
Despite Losses for State - The Towntalk |
State considers legal
action against Census Bureau - Monroe News
Star |
2008 |
Lawmakers prepare for
thorny problems of redistricting in 2011 -
The Advocate |
Election may tell who
still lives here - Times Picayune |
A fairer way for
elections - The Advocate |
lags nation on growth, Census Bureau says -
Times Picayune |
'No Party' voters in
La. increasing - The Advocate |
& views from the Louisiana Capitol - Times
Picayune |
Rolls Up in LA- Times Picayune |
Media Articles |
2010 |
Redistricting Making
The Census Count - Legisbrief NCSL |
How To Tilt an Election Through Redistricting - New York Times |
2009 |
parties sharpening pens for redistricting -
New York Times |
Census bureau knocks
Sen. Vitter's proposal to ask about
immigration status - Times Picayune |
year Census count promises to re-jigger
political map -WSJ |
Census sampling makes
sense - Lafayette Daily Advertiser |
New Orleans wants
ex-residents counted - WSJ |
How immigration debate
affects Census - Times Picayune |
Our unconstitutional
Census - WSJ |
Ethnic Groups Say
"White" isn't enough on the 2010 Census -
Detroit Free Press |
Lawmakers battle on
Census question - WSJ |
More People Move to
Louisiana - Times Picayune |
Analyst: Kostelka
playing hardball - Monroe News Star |
2008 |
Obama wants to control the Census - WSJ |