• Committee Assignments by Member

    Adams, Roy Daryl                                         Dist.  62                                        Administration of Criminal Justice
    Appropriations, Elected Member
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Amedée, Beryl                                         Dist.  51                                         Education, Vice Chair
    Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    Bacala, Tony                                         Dist.  59                                        Retirement, Chair
    Administration of Criminal Justice
    Appropriations, Interim Member
    Capitol Security Council, Chair
    State Bond Commission
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget, Interim Member

    Bagley, Larry A.                                         Dist.  7                                         Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Bamburg, Jr., Dennis                                         Dist.  5                                        Insurance
    Labor and Industrial Relations
    Ways and Means
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Bayham, Jr., Michael Robert                                         Dist.  103                                         House and Governmental Affairs
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    Ways and Means
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Beaullieu, IV, Gerald "Beau"                                         Dist.  48                                        House and Governmental Affairs, Chair
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
    Legislative Budgetary Control Council

    Berault, Stephanie H.                                         Dist.  76                                         Appropriations, Elected Member
    Health and Welfare
    Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Billings, Beth Anne                                         Dist.  56                                        House and Governmental Affairs
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    Ways and Means
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
    Legislative Budgetary Control Council

    Bourriaque, Ryan                                         Dist.  47                                         Transportation, Highways and Public Works, Chair
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
    House Select Committee on Disaster Recovery

    Boyd, Delisha                                         Dist.  102                                        Commerce
    House and Governmental Affairs

    Boyer, Chad Michael                                         Dist.  46                                         Administration of Criminal Justice
    Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
    Capitol Security Council

    Brass, Ken                                         Dist.  58                                        Ways and Means, Vice Chair
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Braud, Jacob                                         Dist.  105                                         Insurance
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works
    House Select Committee on Disaster Recovery

    Brown, Chad                                         Dist.  60                                        Insurance, Vice Chair
    Civil Law and Procedure
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
    Select Committee on Hurricane Recovery

    Bryant, Marcus Anthony                                         Dist.  96                                         Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Natural Resources and Environment
    Ways and Means
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Butler, Rhonda Gaye                                         Dist.  38                                        Health and Welfare, Vice Chair
    Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    Special Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs

    Carlson, Josh                                         Dist.  43                                         Civil Law and Procedure
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    Carpenter, Barbara                                         Dist.  63                                        Appropriations
    House Executive Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Carrier, R. Dewith                                         Dist.  32                                         Appropriations
    Natural Resources and Environment
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Carter, Robby                                         Dist.  72                                        Judiciary, Chair

    Carter, Sr., Wilford                                         Dist.  34                                         Civil Law and Procedure
    House and Governmental Affairs
    Special Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs

    Carver, Kim                                         Dist.  89                                        Commerce
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    House Executive Committee

    Chassion, Tehmi Jahi                                         Dist.  44                                         Labor and Industrial Relations
    Natural Resources and Environment
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works

    Chenevert, Emily                                         Dist.  66                                        Civil Law and Procedure
    Health and Welfare

    Coates, Kimberly Landry                                         Dist.  73                                         Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Appropriations, Elected Member
    Natural Resources and Environment
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Cox, III, Vincent E.                                         Dist.  85                                        Administration of Criminal Justice
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs

    Crews, Raymond J.                                         Dist.  8                                         Labor and Industrial Relations, Chair
    Health and Welfare
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security
    Special Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs

    Davis, Paula                                         Dist.  69                                        Commerce
    House Executive Committee

    DeVillier, Phillip                                         Dist.  41                                         Administration of Criminal Justice, Ex Officio
    Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development, Ex Officio
    Appropriations, Ex Officio
    Civil Law and Procedure, Ex Officio
    Commerce, Ex Officio
    Education, Ex Officio
    Health and Welfare, Ex Officio
    House and Governmental Affairs, Ex Officio
    Insurance, Ex Officio
    Judiciary, Ex Officio
    Labor and Industrial Relations, Ex Officio
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs, Ex Officio
    Natural Resources and Environment, Ex Officio
    Retirement, Ex Officio
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works, Ex Officio
    Ways and Means, Ex Officio
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
    Capitol Security Council
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    Legislative Budgetary Control Council
    State Bond Commission
    House Executive Committee, Ex Officio

    Deshotel, Daryl Andrew                                         Dist.  28                                        Commerce, Chair
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
    House Executive Committee
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    DeWitt, Jason Brian                                         Dist.  25                                         Appropriations
    Labor and Industrial Relations
    Natural Resources and Environment
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    House Select Committee on Disaster Recovery

    Dickerson, Kellee Hennessy                                         Dist.  64                                        Health and Welfare
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works
    House Select Committee on Disaster Recovery

    Domangue, Jessica                                         Dist.  53                                         Commerce
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    Natural Resources and Environment

    Echols, Michael Charles                                         Dist.  14                                        Health and Welfare
    Labor and Industrial Relations
    Ways and Means
    Administration of Criminal Justice, Interim Member
    Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Edmonston, Kathy                                         Dist.  88                                         Judiciary, Vice Chair
    Civil Law and Procedure
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    Egan, Sr., Peter F.                                         Dist.  74                                        Civil Law and Procedure
    Health and Welfare
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    Emerson, Julie                                         Dist.  39                                         Ways and Means, Chair
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    State Bond Commission

    Farnum, Les                                         Dist.  33                                        House and Governmental Affairs
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    Ways and Means
    House Executive Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Firment, Michael "Gabe"                                         Dist.  22                                         Insurance, Chair

    Fisher, Adrian                                         Dist.  16                                        Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Health and Welfare
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    Fontenot, Bryan                                         Dist.  55                                         Transportation, Highways and Public Works, Vice Chair
    Administration of Criminal Justice
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs

    Freeman, Aimee Adatto                                         Dist.  98                                        Appropriations
    House Executive Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    Legislative Audit Advisory Council

    Freiberg, Barbara Reich                                         Dist.  70                                         Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs, Vice Chair
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    Legislative Audit Advisory Council

    Gadberry, Foy Bryan                                         Dist.  15                                        Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs, Chair
    House and Governmental Affairs

    Gallé, Jr., Jack "Jay" William                                         Dist.  104                                         Insurance
    Ways and Means
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security, Chair
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
    Special Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs

    Geymann, Brett F.                                         Dist.  35                                        Natural Resources and Environment, Chair
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    Glorioso, Brian Leonard                                         Dist.  90                                         Civil Law and Procedure
    Labor and Industrial Relations

    Green, Jr., Kyle M.                                         Dist.  83                                        Commerce

    Hebert, Troy Jude                                         Dist.  31                                         Commerce

    Henry, Chance Keith                                         Dist.  42                                        Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Ways and Means
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Hilferty, Stephanie                                         Dist.  94                                         Commerce
    House Committee on Enrollment, Chair

    Horton, Dodie                                         Dist.  9                                        Labor and Industrial Relations, Vice Chair
    Administration of Criminal Justice
    Appropriations, Elected Member
    Legislative Bureau, Chair
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Hughes, Jason                                         Dist.  100                                         Appropriations, Vice Chair
    Health and Welfare
    House Executive Committee
    Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    Legislative Audit Advisory Council

    Illg, Jr., John R.                                         Dist.  78                                        Retirement, Vice Chair
    Capitol Security Council
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Jackson, Steven                                         Dist.  2                                         Health and Welfare
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works

    Johnson, C. Travis                                         Dist.  21                                        Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development, Vice Chair
    Natural Resources and Environment
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works
    House Select Committee on Disaster Recovery

    Johnson, Mike                                         Dist.  27                                         Civil Law and Procedure
    Administration of Criminal Justice, Ex Officio
    Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development, Ex Officio
    Appropriations, Ex Officio
    Commerce, Ex Officio
    Education, Ex Officio
    Health and Welfare, Ex Officio
    House and Governmental Affairs, Ex Officio
    Judiciary, Ex Officio
    Labor and Industrial Relations, Ex Officio
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs, Ex Officio
    Natural Resources and Environment, Ex Officio
    Retirement, Ex Officio
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works, Ex Officio
    Ways and Means, Ex Officio
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    Legislative Budgetary Control Council
    House Executive Committee, Ex Officio

    Jordan, Edmond                                         Dist.  29                                        Commerce
    House Executive Committee
    Legislative Audit Advisory Council

    Kerner, Timothy P.                                         Dist.  84                                         Appropriations
    Natural Resources and Environment
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    Knox, Alonzo L.                                         Dist.  93                                        Administration of Criminal Justice
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security
    Special Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs

    LaCombe, Jeremy                                         Dist.  18                                         Judiciary
    Natural Resources and Environment
    Ways and Means
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    LaFleur, Vanessa Caston                                         Dist.  101                                        Administration of Criminal Justice, Vice Chair
    House Executive Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Landry, Mandie                                         Dist.  91                                         Insurance
    Ways and Means
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Landry, Jacob Gabriel                                         Dist.  49                                        Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Natural Resources and Environment
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee

    Larvadain, III, Ed                                         Dist.  26                                         Civil Law and Procedure
    House and Governmental Affairs
    Labor and Industrial Relations

    Lyons, Rodney                                         Dist.  87                                        House and Governmental Affairs, Vice Chair
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    House Executive Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Mack, Shane                                         Dist.  95                                         Appropriations
    Natural Resources and Environment
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Marcelle, C. Denise                                         Dist.  61                                        Appropriations
    House and Governmental Affairs
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    McCormick, Danny                                         Dist.  1                                         Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Natural Resources and Environment
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    McFarland, Jack                                         Dist.  13                                        Appropriations, Chair
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget, Vice Chair
    House Executive Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
    Legislative Budgetary Control Council
    State Bond Commission

    McMahen, Wayne                                         Dist.  10                                         Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Health and Welfare
    Ways and Means
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
    House Select Committee on Disaster Recovery

    McMakin, Dixon Wallace                                         Dist.  68                                        Commerce
    House and Governmental Affairs

    Melerine, Michael                                         Dist.  6                                         Civil Law and Procedure
    Labor and Industrial Relations

    Mena, Shaun Raphael                                         Dist.  23                                        Commerce
    Labor and Industrial Relations
    House Executive Committee

    Miller, Dustin                                         Dist.  40                                         Health and Welfare, Chair
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
    Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee

    Moore, Pat                                         Dist.  17                                        Administration of Criminal Justice
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works
    House Select Committee on Disaster Recovery

    Muscarello, Nicholas                                         Dist.  86                                         Civil Law and Procedure, Chair

    Myers, Brach Jerad                                         Dist.  45                                        Health and Welfare
    Ways and Means
    House Executive Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Newell, Candace N.                                         Dist.  99                                         Commerce
    House and Governmental Affairs
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs

    Orgeron, Joseph A.                                         Dist.  54                                        Natural Resources and Environment, Vice Chair
    Ways and Means
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Owen, Charles                                         Dist.  30                                         Appropriations
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    Special Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, Chair
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security, Vice Chair
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Phelps, Tammy T.                                         Dist.  3                                        Insurance
    Labor and Industrial Relations
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works

    Riser, Neil                                         Dist.  20                                         Commerce
    Natural Resources and Environment
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    Romero, Troy D.                                         Dist.  37                                        Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development, Chair
    Appropriations, Elected Member
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Schamerhorn, Rodney                                         Dist.  24                                         Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    House and Governmental Affairs
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works
    Legislative Audit Advisory Council

    Schlegel, Laurie                                         Dist.  82                                        Education, Chair

    Selders, Larry                                         Dist.  67                                         Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Health and Welfare
    Ways and Means
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    St. Blanc, III, Vincent "Vinney"                                         Dist.  50                                        Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee

    Stagni, Joseph A.                                         Dist.  92                                         Health and Welfare
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs

    Tarver, Phillip Eric                                         Dist.  36                                        Education
    Labor and Industrial Relations
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security

    Taylor, Sylvia Elaine                                         Dist.  57                                         Civil Law and Procedure

    Thomas, Polly                                         Dist.  80                                        Commerce, Vice Chair
    House and Governmental Affairs

    Thompson, Francis C.                                         Dist.  19                                         Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Appropriations, Elected Member
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget

    Turner, Christopher                                         Dist.  12                                        Civil Law and Procedure, Vice Chair
    Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Health and Welfare
    House Executive Committee

    Ventrella, Lauren                                         Dist.  65                                         Civil Law and Procedure
    Natural Resources and Environment

    Villio, Debbie                                         Dist.  79                                        Administration of Criminal Justice, Chair

    Walters, Joy                                         Dist.  4                                         Administration of Criminal Justice
    Labor and Industrial Relations
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works

    Wilder, III, Roger William                                         Dist.  71                                        Insurance
    Labor and Industrial Relations
    Ways and Means
    House Executive Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Wiley, Jeffrey "Jeff" Fons                                         Dist.  81                                         Administration of Criminal Justice
    Transportation, Highways and Public Works
    House Select Committee on Homeland Security
    Special Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs

    Willard, Matthew                                         Dist.  97                                        Insurance
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    Ways and Means
    House Executive Committee
    Capitol Security Council
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Wright, Mark                                         Dist.  77                                         Civil Law and Procedure
    House and Governmental Affairs
    Ways and Means, Interim Member
    House Executive Committee

    Wyble, John E.                                         Dist.  75                                        Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
    Civil Law and Procedure
    House and Governmental Affairs
    House Select Committee on Disaster Recovery

    Young, Rashid Armand                                         Dist.  11                                         Education
    Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs
    Ways and Means
    Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay

    Zeringue, Jerome                                         Dist.  52                                        Appropriations, Elected Member
    Natural Resources and Environment
    House Select Committee on Disaster Recovery, Chair
    Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee
    Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget