Alonzo, Allison
Attorney II
(225) 342-6149
Ambeau, III, Jaubert
Chief Sergeant at Arms
Sergeant at Arms
(225) 342-9852
Ammersbach, Rosalie
Executive Assistant to HLS Executive Director
Director's Office
(225) 342-6124
Aucoin, Fran
Executive Assistant
(225) 342-9851
Baer, Erin
(225) 342-2367
Baker, Sarah
Committee Administrative Assistant I
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2403
Baker, Danielle
Caucus Administrator
Acadiana Delegation
(225) 342-0349
Banks, Valarie
Executive Assistant to HLS Governmental Affairs Division
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2399
Borne, Elizabeth
Senior Legislative Analyst
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-7339
Buckhalter, Anita
Print Specialist
Speaker's Office
(225) 342-6459
Buckhalter, Diamond
Information Associate II
Research Library
(225) 342-5783
Byrom, Blake
Legislative Analyst II
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2086
Carter, Debra
Executive Assistant to HLS Resource and Infrastructure Division
Resource and Infrastructure
(225) 342-2452
Chascin, Abigail
Budget Analyst II
(225) 342-2441
Chrisman, Taylor
Attorney II
Commercial Regulation
(225) 342-8601
Chuter, Joseph
Attorney I
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2396
Cockerham, Robyn
Library Director
Research Library
(225) 342-2434
Cravins, Alexandra
Committee Administrative Assistant II
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2408
David, Joey
Legislative Analyst II
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2447
Davillier, Ashley
Committee Administrative Assistant I
Resource and Infrastructure
(225) 342-2411
Deverteuil, Darcas
Committee Administrative Assistant I
Resource and Infrastructure
(225) 342-6171
Downey, Beth
Account Clerk II
(225) 342-2196
Emery, Treavealon
Switchboard Operator
Speaker's Office
(225) 342-6945
Evans, Mechelle
Senior Caucus Administrator
Louisiana Rural Caucus
(225) 342-7380
Faust, Deborah
Accountant II
(225) 342-6461
Fisher, Ian
Word Processor I
Administrative Services
(225) 342-0792
Fogleman, Kelly
Special Counsel
Clerk's Office
(225) 342-7259
Fontenot, Michelle
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Clerk's Office
(225) 342-7259
Foster, Jaymi
Committee Administrative Assistant I
(225) 342-1964
Frink, Chris
Caucus Administrator
Democratic Caucus
(225) 342-8654
Gonzalez, Zachary
Attorney II
(225) 342-6281
Hebert, Emily
Administrative Assistant to the Clerk
Clerk's Office
(225) 342-7259
Howard-Williams, Natayveon
Committee Administrative Assistant I
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2401
Huffman, Jessica
Word Processor II
Administrative Services
(225) 342-0794
Jackson, Bridgette
Administrative Assistant to HLS Executive Director
Director's Office
(225) 342-0375
Jackson, Felicie
Executive Assistant to HLS Commercial Regulation Division
Commercial Regulation
(225) 342-2457
James, Zaren
Division Director
Resource and Infrastructure
(225) 342-6166
Jarrell, Cortny
Director of Human Resources
Office of Human Resources
(225) 342-2455
Jerezano, Andrea
Committee Administrative Assistant I
(225) 342-5105
Johnson, Trin
Caucus Administrator
Louisiana Legislative Women's Caucus
(225) 342-0334
Jones, Paula
Committee Administrative Assistant I
(225) 342-6129
Katz, Sarah
Information Specialist/Librarian I
Research Library
(225) 342-5129
Keith, Rashida
Attorney III
Commercial Regulation
(225) 342-0484
Ladmirault, Brandy
Committee Administrative Assistant I
Resource and Infrastructure
(225) 342-2402
Lea, Brittany
Executive Assistant to HLS Fiscal Division
(225) 342-8568
Leblanc, Blair
Budget Analyst II
(225) 342-1394
Leming, Daniel
Assistant Chief Sergeant at Arms
Sergeant at Arms
(225) 342-1228
Lillie, Faith
Committee Administrative Assistant I
Commercial Regulation
(225) 342-6121
Little, Stephanie
Attorney III
(225) 342-6292
Lovello, Lisa
Legislative Analyst III
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-7340
Magee, Julie
Budget Analyst II
(225) 342-2444
Mahaffey, Mark
Division Director
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2398
Mamou, Angela
Assistant Sergeant at Arms/Officer
Sergeant at Arms
(225) 342-1228
Mancuso, Cindy
Executive Counsel to the Speaker
Speaker's Office
(225) 342-7263
Mapp, Jr., Martin E.
Assistant Sergeant at Arms/Officer
Sergeant at Arms
(225) 342-1228
Masami, Lashay
Attorney I
Resource and Infrastructure
(225) 342-6153
McGuire, Jurissa
Attorney III
Commercial Regulation
(225) 342-6111
McKenzie, Ann
Docket Clerk II
Administrative Services
(225) 342-6458
Melancon, Christopher "Chris"
Information Specialist/Librarian II
Research Library
(225) 342-2432
Monk, John "Jack"
Proofreader II
Administrative Services
(225) 342-0789
Montgomery, Melissa Rowe
Human Resources Analyst
Office of Human Resources
(225) 342-2455
Murray, Drew
Senior Legislative Analyst
(225) 342-2303
Nedd, Glenda
Telephone Supervisor
Speaker's Office
(225) 342-6945
Neubrander, Kristy
Committee Administrative Assistant II
Commercial Regulation
(225) 342-2404
Nguyen, Jennifer
Attorney I
(225) 342-6146
Noland, Lynn
Administrative Assistant
Facilities Management
(225) 342-0367
Oatis, Charles
Human Resources Manager
Office of Human Resources
(225) 342-2420
Palmer, Ralph
Assistant Sergeant at Arms/Officer
Sergeant at Arms
(225) 342-1228
Perloff, Rebecca
Caucus Administrator I
Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus
(225) 342-7342
Philyaw, Paige
Budget Analyst I
(225) 342-0474
Pinsonat, Ashlyn
Administrative Assistant I - Senior Staff
Speaker's Office
(225) 342-7263
Powell, Brenda
Account Clerk II
(225) 342-2263
Powell, Alicia
Committee Administrative Assistant II
Commercial Regulation
(225) 342-2406
Pryor, Alison
Deputy Director
(225) 342-8357
Reed, Nevonda
Division Director
Commercial Regulation
(225) 342-6288
Reimonenq, Devan
Deputy Director
Administrative Services
(225) 342-1986
Righteous, Tina
Senior Attorney
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2454
Riley, Greg
Executive Director, HLS
Director's Office
(225) 342-6125
Robin, Stephanie Durand
Special Assistant to the Speaker
Speaker's Office
(225) 342-7263
Robinson, Ashari
Budget Analyst III
(225) 342-2412
Robinson, Bryce
Attorney III
Administrative Services
(225) 342-0791
Robinson, Rebecca
Legislative Analyst II
(225) 342-8596
Roussel, Sherrill
Executive Assistant to HLS Legal Division
(225) 342-2405
Ruffin, Shirlena
Assistant Sergeant at Arms/Officer
Sergeant at Arms
(225) 342-1228
Singletary, Robert
Division Director
(225) 342-2421
Sisson, Rhonda
Administrative Services Director
Administrative Services
(225) 342-1362
Slaughter, Lacy
Word Processor I
Administrative Services
(225) 342-0790
Smith, Ron
Assistant Clerk II
Clerk's Office
(225) 342-7259
Smith, Angela
Assistant Clerk I
Clerk's Office
(225) 342-7259
Smith, Annie
Attorney III
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2598
Stalder, Robin
Attorney II
Resource and Infrastructure
(225) 342-6396
Steib, Gionne
Executive Assistant to Chief Sergeant at Arms
Sergeant at Arms
(225) 342-1228
Stephens, Karen
Administrative Services Specialist
Administrative Services
(225) 342-0795
Steven, Sharell
Committee Administrative Assistant II
Commercial Regulation
(225) 342-6151
Steward, Jenna
Information Specialist/Librarian III
Research Library
(225) 342-2433
Storment, Dave
Attorney I
(225) 342-2422
Thomas, Walter
Aide to the Speaker
Speaker's Office
(225) 342-7263
Thompson, Laura
Library Technician I
Research Library
(225) 342-5128
Tilley, Steven
Research Assistant, Clerk's Office
Clerk's Office
(225) 342-7259
Veal, Marcellus
Assistant Sergeant at Arms/Officer
Sergeant at Arms
(225) 342-1228
Vermaelen, Claire
Capital Outlay Budget Analyst III
(225) 342-8623
Vigrass, Kathryn
Legislative Analyst II
Commercial Regulation
(225) 342-5100
Waguespack, Mackenzie
Executive Assistant
Office of Human Resources
(225) 342-2455
Waguespack, Daniel
Division Director
(225) 342-7477
Washington, Devin
Assistant Sergeant at Arms/Officer
Sergeant at Arms
(225) 342-1228
Watson, Jennifer
Committee Administrative Assistant II
Governmental Affairs
(225) 342-2445
Weinman, Stephanie
Committee Administrative Assistant III
(225) 342-2409
Wilkinson, Jacob
Committee Administrative Assistant I
(225) 342-2442
Williams, Allison
Attorney I
Resource and Infrastructure
(225) 342-0793
Williams, René M.
Executive Assistant to the Clerk
Clerk's Office
(225) 342-7259
Wilson, Zion
Budget Analyst II
(225) 342-9101
Winfrey, Karen
Attorney II
(225) 342-2458
Winkler, Jennifer
Legislative Analyst I
Resource and Infrastructure
(225) 342-6126
Womack, Dee
Property Control Manager
Speaker's Office
(225) 342-2198