The David R. Poynter Legislative Research Library is named in memory
of David Rogers Poynter, 1944 - 1989. A native of Sulphur in Calcasieu
Parish and a graduate of Louisiana State University and LSU Law School ,
David served on the research staff of the Louisiana Legislative Council
(1966-1972), as Clerk of the House of Representatives (1972-1983), as Clerk
of the Louisiana Constitutional Convention (1973-1974), and as Executive
Director of House Legislative Services (1981-1983; 1988-1989).
In these roles, his intellect, spirit of optimism, and energetic leadership were key
factors in shaping the vision for the reform, modernization, and structure
that define today's Louisiana House of Representatives and in effectively
implementing that vision. When the Library was dedicated in December 1990,
three Speakers of the House with whom David served provided the following
E.L. "Bubba" Henry, Speaker, 1972-1980: "No one that I
know - elected or not - .....made more of a contribution to legislative
growth, independence than David Poynter did."
John Alario, Speaker, , 1984-1988: "There are two types of people - those who seem to go through
life wanting to take and those that contribute much more than their share
not only for the times in which they live but for those who come after
them... We were fortunate in Louisiana to have David Poynter in our state to
make life much better [in] the time he was here and most importantly for the
times to come."
Andre Lebeuf, a staff colleague, interviewed many who knew
David well and prepared a summary of their thoughts for the dedication. In
it he noted: "But perhaps of even greater value to the legislature was the
trust members had in him... Whatever faction, party, group, or side a member
might be on, that member trusted David implicitly and David always gave the
best unbiased advice to anyone who asked."
The dedication of the Legislative
Research Library to David Poynter is, therefore, particularly appropriate.